Posted in Fiction

Nocturban #3

It was 3 in the morning and in front of a bar two broad men were having an argument using mainly their fists.
Suddenly, a small and very local cloud of smoke appeared, not that the two fighters noticed in their own fog of alcohol.
The cloud lifted and revealed a cape-wearing figure striking a heroic pose, cloak waving in the wind.
“Police! Hands in the air!” Inspector Joden shouted before the figure could attack the unaware men.

Posted in Fiction

Nocturban #2

“There’s something seriously wrong with this city. Last week we had to arrest a group of cape-wearing idiots beating a poor drug addict to death because he’d stolen some old lady’s purse.”
The bartender handed Inspector Joden another scotch.
“When the first so called heroes began to show up in Nocturban, everyone was thrilled,” said the bartender. “Now we’re all afraid. When people begin to take the law into their own hands, nobody’s safe.”

Posted in Fiction

Nocturban #1

The cold night rain looked almost luminescent in the blinking lights from the neon signs above the bar.
Inspector Joden was watching the entrance to the bar from the other side of the street. He was hiding under his hat, shoulders up under his ears, not from the suspected but from the rain. At least he tried to.
Freezing and soaking wet to his skin he decided to abandon his post when a cloaked shadow entered the bar. It happened almost too fast to be seen. But Joden knew what he was looking for.

‘You know what the problem with this town is?’ He thought to himself as he crossed the street and unsecured his gun. ‘It has too many god damned heroes.’