Posted in Blog, Non-fiction

A cut scene from my game

I’ve recently been on a course on how to write scripts for games and making games in RPG Maker MV. It was so much fun, amazing and creative people and a whole lot of work. On the course I began working on a game demo that will become a whole game. These days I spend most of my time working on the game demo.There’s a reception in January so that’s my deadline – sort of.
RPG Maker MV is a great programme allowing people to create games without having to worry about programming or making graphics (super useful to someone like me that can do neither). The possibilities are many, I’ve chosen to make an adventure game like the old Legend of Zelda games or Pokémon. The battle style is much like the one in the old Pokémon games, due to the battle options with the standard programme.
I’ll make more posts about the game, the story and the release so be sure to come back another day.

I’ve recorded a small cut scene that introduces a mini-quest of saving a wood cutter from some ghosts. (Please look past the grammar error. The video has no sound.)