Posted in Blog, Non-fiction

A letter from the darkness

Hi there, so here’s a letter from the deepest cavern of flu. I’ve been ill over and over again this winter and lately struck down by the meanest flu in the world. I’ve been sick for two weeks and are almost well again. Phew.

I want to tell you all about what’s happening since I haven’t posted in a while. A lot is going on actually.I’ve been working really hard on my game and in January I went to a reception with some people from the local game industry. My game The Cursed One now has its own website and I’ve even got some business cards printed. The site still needs some work and doesn’t look perfect at phones but it’s a start. I’ll be posting news, updates and develop the site as I work so be sure to take a look. I’m considering making a ‘sign me up for a newsletter when the demo arrives’ kinda thing. Could be awesome. My goal is to release the free demo at the end of May.
I’ve also made a thread on the amazing board Exilian, where I will try to update you on my developing process and share some inside stuff.

A screenshot of the game. A woman is worried about her husband.

Another thing happening right now is that I’m taking a big step and will make my own business and work freelance.I’ve been searching for a job for a very long time, so now I’m super hooked to try to scrap up some minor jobs and see if I can make a living out of it. I have a degree in business communications and will be working mainly with texts in my native language. But if you have anything you want translated from English to Danish I might be interested.

I’ve also come up with some ideas for workshops for teens about non-linear storytelling and working with Twinery. Workshops that I might be able to sell to schools, I have many ideas and are excited to try them out.

So, a lot is happening thoughI’m not posting stories or texts here. Most of my writing these days are dialogue for the game. I’m battling sickness to try to work on my projects and business.Can’t wait to see how all this turns out.

Now I’m gonna crawl to bed with my new copy of Turtles all the way down and enjoy John Green’s amazing writing.

Posted in Blog, Non-fiction

A cut scene from my game

I’ve recently been on a course on how to write scripts for games and making games in RPG Maker MV. It was so much fun, amazing and creative people and a whole lot of work. On the course I began working on a game demo that will become a whole game. These days I spend most of my time working on the game demo.There’s a reception in January so that’s my deadline – sort of.
RPG Maker MV is a great programme allowing people to create games without having to worry about programming or making graphics (super useful to someone like me that can do neither). The possibilities are many, I’ve chosen to make an adventure game like the old Legend of Zelda games or Pokémon. The battle style is much like the one in the old Pokémon games, due to the battle options with the standard programme.
I’ll make more posts about the game, the story and the release so be sure to come back another day.

I’ve recorded a small cut scene that introduces a mini-quest of saving a wood cutter from some ghosts. (Please look past the grammar error. The video has no sound.)